School Safety Certification


The Texas Department of Public Safety designed the School Safety Certification course to train educators to carry defensive handguns on school campus. Cox Firearms provides the Texas D.P.S. approved training for school districts and teachers. During the state-mandated two days of instruction we place students into real-world scenarios and testing. The four core topics instructed as required by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS)

• Protection of Students
• Interaction of license holders with first responders
• Tactics for denying an intruder entry into a classroom or school facility
• Methods for increasing a license holder's accuracy with a handgun while under duress

Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will receive a Texas D.P.S. Proof of Training Form. Completed courses will be then filed with Texas Department of Public Safety as a part of their License to Carry in accordance with Texas Government Code 411.1901.

Safety Options for School Districts and Charters - Although this course was designed for teachers and school employees that are allowed to carry in their school, it also benefits school teachers and employees who do not carry in school because you will learn how to respond to an active shooter using what is available to you. This is lifesaving information. This two-day (15 hour min) course and includes classroom simulation training and advanced live fire training. You must already have a license to carry to take this course.

• ANY school teacher or school district employee CAN take this course on their own and receive this certification regardless if your school allows you to carry in school or not
• Taking this course and receiving this certification WILL NOT allow you to carry in your school. Each ISD will determine whether to allow staff to carry in school and how the program will be implemented
• This certification is valid in Texas. If the rules in any given school district change, you will already have this State certification and training
• For school staff that already carries in school, this course and certification will provide you with valuable lifesaving information, tactics and advanced handgun training.

The overall objective of this course is to educate staff on the responsibilities related to school safety who are employees of a school district or open-enrollment charter school that hold a valid Texas License to Carry a handgun. The outlined objectives are:

Protection of students
• Tactics for denying an intruder entry
• Interaction with first responders • Methods for increasing accuracy with a handgun while under duress
• Also included is how to defend against an intruder using items commonly available in a classroom
• Also included is learning what common items you should have in your classroom to use to deny entry or defend
• Also included is learning how to “think” under stress
• Also included is learning how to “be prepared” for the worst case scenario

Day 1 (8 hours)
• 50 round live fire Pre-Qualification- 90% (225) score on LTC qualification
• Pre-Qualification Written Test-based on existing LTC laws and regulations (90% required)
• Training from certified School Safety Instructors using D.P.S. curriculum

Day 2 (8 hours)
• Scenario Training using Ultimate Training Munitions non-lethal ammunition by Certified School Safety Instructors
• Shooting Under Duress Training
• Shooting under duress 200 round live-fire proficiency using hostage targets
• Final written exam (90% required)

$200 a student class size maximum is 6


LTC (License to Carry)


Rifle Training (carbine 1)