Intro to Handgun

This Introduction to Handguns firearms training class will teach the basic knowledge and skills necessary for owning and using a handgun safely. This class was designed for the people with little to no knowledge of handguns, or those who are years out of practice and want a good refresher course starting with the basics.  Cost of class is $100.

 Subjects Covered:

  •  Handgun Knowledge and safe handling

  • Ammunition knowledge

  • Fundamentals of handgun shooting

  • Actual Range Shooting

  • Eye and ear protection, guns and targets

The first part of the class is spent discussing the different types of handguns and how to handle them safely, ammunition, and the fundamentals of handgun shooting.

The second part is spent doing actual shooting with a variety of guns, chosen by the instructor to fit the shooter. The basics of stance, sight picture, and trigger control are emphasized to maximize success the first time out.

 Required Equipment:

The use of our Handguns, targets, hearing and eye protection are included in the price
If we supply ammo, there is an additional charge.
Closed toe shoes
Clothing sufficient for the weather conditions

Optional Equipment:

  • Hat

  • Water/Sports drinks sufficient for the conditions and time

  • Snacks

  • Sun Screen

  • Paper and pen


  • None

If students have their own handguns, they are encouraged to bring them and ammunition so they can become more familiar with the guns they own.  


Rifle Training (carbine 2)


Handgun 1